My single most favorite part of last night. I was kinda "lost" through the whole show. But the moment of them on the phone was great.
Some good points from the message board this morning:
**Michael could be Ben's man on the boat. The one who opened the door of the sick ward for Sayid, Des, and the other fellow. Ben had given him a bearing way back when he left on the boat. Could have been the bearing for the freighter, where he and Walt would have been picked up and been spying for Ben all this time. I'm thinking that could have been part of Ben's promise to let them leave. Michael had to spy for a bit.
**Danielle and her crew had a sickness. Since they were scientists and probably exposed to radiation quite a bit, they could have suffered the same sickness as Desmond. Since Danielle was pregnant, she would've avoided radiation exposure and therefore, wouldn't have suffered from the sickness.
Just a couple of points on the message board that I thought were good ones. Happy Happy Friday!! :)