My single most favorite part of last night. I was kinda "lost" through the whole show. But the moment of them on the phone was great.
Some good points from the message board this morning:
**Michael could be Ben's man on the boat. The one who opened the door of the sick ward for Sayid, Des, and the other fellow. Ben had given him a bearing way back when he left on the boat. Could have been the bearing for the freighter, where he and Walt would have been picked up and been spying for Ben all this time. I'm thinking that could have been part of Ben's promise to let them leave. Michael had to spy for a bit.
**Danielle and her crew had a sickness. Since they were scientists and probably exposed to radiation quite a bit, they could have suffered the same sickness as Desmond. Since Danielle was pregnant, she would've avoided radiation exposure and therefore, wouldn't have suffered from the sickness.
Just a couple of points on the message board that I thought were good ones. Happy Happy Friday!! :)
Eric's thinking that the polar bears have that same transporting deal going on. That's why one was found in that desert with a dharma tag. It was going back and forth from the island and happend to die in the desert. Kinda like the lab rat. Am I making any sense? Prob not. LoL.
Oh and the whole Desmond Hume is my constant written in the notebook? Wow.
I was blown away by this epi. I feel like stuff is all starting to make sense. (but right when I say that something wackytack will happen, right?)
I totally agree with the two points posted, too... I didn't think of Michael at first, but that totally makes sense.
I love how the Hanso stuff is tying in too... like Pen's dad buying the Block ROck book from the Hanso people that own it. Makes me think that over the next 8 years is when Pen will find out about her dad and that he has some funky tie to Hanso and the island. 'Member back a long time ago when the two dudes in the igloo or whatever called Pen in the middle of the night to say that they have rec'd a signal from the island?
And that Pen's dad knows about the island way back in 96 because he knows Des can time travel... which was why he left the water running, to show Des how much time passes from when he passes out to waking up.
What makes me think how everyone's stories are all tying together is that everyone on the island is everyone elses constant? Know what I mean? That's why they survived the crash!
Anyway.... whoa. So much.
P.s. I think it is Michael because Entertainment Weekly said he is coming back.
i bet michael is the spy! such a good theory. and i love the thought theory of pen's dad leaving the water on because he knows about des time traveling. genius!
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