Ok. So I must admit that when I read this theory way back after the finale, I thought that it was really farfetched. I remember reading on the message boards that the "he" Kate had to get back to was Aaron. Crazy I thought. But, this kid even looks like Claire.
It's going to be interesting to see how Kate comes to have Aaron. I read on the message board about Desmond having a flash last season about Claire getting on a helicopter and something happens. Anyone remember that? Talk to me.
Dude. My theory is that Aaron is the one in the coffin. Jack and Kate are covering as his parents... maybe. 'Member when the funeral director said that no one came to the funeral, no family... I think that by then, Jack found out that Claire is his sister, making Aaron his nephew... and that for some reason Claire is back on the island and the whole WE HAVE TO GO BACK thing is because of her.
And also Deebs and I were wondering where Kate found cute pan-tays to make out in... instead of what we assume would be stank islandy ones. Hee heee... Deebs thinks Kate had the Victoria's Secret catalog with her. =)
ROFL about the Victoria's Secret catalog. Too funny.
hahahahaha. yall crack me up. omg right?!! 'stank islandy ones' ahhhH! i choked.
i dont ever recall desmond's flash thingy abt claire. omg is it posted anywhere?
i can't wait for this week. dude. where is desmond folks.
Not to be cliche, but I am so LOST.
My dh so called that Kate's son was Aaron - that one totally threw me. I was screaming at dh for getting it right. Like a "whoo hoo", not a "you jerk." Although, I do hate when he is right - never lets me forget...
Anyway - I don't think it is Aaron's funeral. Why wouldn't Kate have wanted to be there.
I was feeling it was Sawyer that she had to get back to, but now I don't think it is that at all. I don't think Sawyer is one of the 6. Wah!!!
My theory of the moment is that something happens - maybe a deal with Ben - that only X survivors can get off the island. I think that Kate takes Aaron and leaves Claire behind. I think it comes down to a choice that is made by one survivor (Kate? Jack?) for who gets off. Maybe they lie and say the others are dead? I can see that being why Hugo and Jack want to go back - because it isn't fair that some stay and some leave and gain such riches and fame.
Jack lied on the witness stand. He said there were 8 survivors and only 6 lived, right? Did I hear wrong?
It is all so confusing. Is Aaron considered one of the 6???
I have a love/hate relationship with this show...
Oh! Ben is totally forcing Ben to work for him to keep the ones on the island alive, I think.
Lis that was totally the direction I was heading... Like that only a certain # of people could leave and maybe Claire pulled a "give him a better life" and handed her son over to Kate?
Anyway... yikes. Can't wait for tomorrow!
i was thinking for a hot second that maybe others had gotten off the island, but they were covering for them with the whole, 8 survived but 2 died thing. but then i realized that was stupid because wouldn't kate have been more likely to go with the people who want to stay hidden? ugh!
anyway, sooooo had a feeling that somethin was up as soon as claire tried to get kate to pick up aaron and kate wouldn't. i knew there had to be some point to that, there always is!
and i think the person in the coffin is ben fo sho!
ooh, also, not to get all crazy on y'all, but does aaron count as one of the oceanic 6 if he wasn't born yet?
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