Dang man. Last night. Whoa.
With Valentine's last night, I don't know if everyone watched it so I won't give too much away... and I haven't had a chance to read any of the Lost sites this morning. But, the only clue I got (Which might be a no brainer) is the inscription on Naomi's bracelet... it was signed RG... could that stand for Republican Guard? Both Naomi and Elsa had one, so maybe that's the connect.
And P.S. Ben is super freaking creepy. Whoa.
Our Valentine's Day night pretty much revolved around LOST. LoL.
My head is spinning from this one. Sayid working for Ben?? And how the heck does Ben get off of the island in the first place?
The first thing that popped into my head was that maybe Elsa was working for Matthew Abbadon. Not sure why.
I'm kinda freaking out about the whole survivors vs. survivors deal. I don't like them holding each other at gunpoint and whatnot. So crazy.
So I'm thinking that Sawyer is one of the Oceanic 6. And I'm not sure about the other one. I kept thinking Juliet or Desmond, but neither were on the plane so that wouldn't make much sense.
blow out, ahahahha, lmao.
i think sawyer is one of the six too. i just felt like kate was talking abt him to jack in the p-lot that one time. and yeah, ben, desmond, or juliet wouldnt qualify bc they weren't on the manifesto, right.
but omg, that was some feeky stuff. sayid working for ben. i wonder if he's blackmailin' um for something.
omg i so want desmond to find penny. the writers wouldn't not make them reunite, would they? lol.
I kinda thought that it was Sawyer Kate was talking about getting back to as well. Buuuutttt, now I'm thinking maybe BEN??? Maybe he hired her as well to do his dirty work?
yeah duded sayid was looking pretty hottie boom bottie!
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