Monday, February 4, 2008

Could Be?

Read all your comments... so rad! Exactly the reason we have this place! read the last comment in the previous post and then reference this:

Could be?

PS - Heyyyy ARadd!


Heidi Joe said...


You are onto something.

Okay, so who does helipcopter man look like then, because I kept thinking dang he looks familiar, too.

Heidi Joe said...

Okay really quick too.

Did we forget that Claire and Jack are related and they don't know it yet?

Soooo... maybe the person in the coffin that is super small is Claire's baby Turniphead Aaron! Only now he'd be like a toddler or whatever.

Turniphead is in the 6!

ebh said...

I don't think the baby is the funeral that Jack went to (that IS what we are talking about, right?). Because why wouldn't Kate want to go to his funeral? Has to be a "baddie".

Deanna G. said...

i totally raised my hand bc i forgot abt jack and claire, lol. i need to rewatch the whole 1-3, lol before this thurs.

omg turniphead, lol. dude. that's the really rilllly important stuff we talk abt ;) youre so funny.

amber said...

I totally forgot about Jack & Claire myself. Too many facts to remember!!!! LoL. But D, I soooooo think there's something with those pics. Really and truly. Could he be Marvin Candle's son??? HELLLOOOOOWWWWW?? Oh my, I cannot wait until tomorrow I tell you.
And Heidi, I agree the guy that finds Jack and Kate did look familiar. Not sure why though??

Jill H said...

turniphead is cracking me up, lol :)

my theory on the person in the coffin is that it is Walt. now i'll be proven wrong, lol, but it fits in my mind. Walt has the connection w/the island, like Locke does. and we still don't know what ever happened to Walt & Michael, right? and that coffin looks smallish to me.

also, since Jack seems like he's desperate to get back to the island in those flash forwards then it makes sense to me that the person in the coffin was a way back to the island.