Friday, February 1, 2008

Okay... so I'm so going back to watch it a second time.

My Thoughts and Theories: By Heidi J. Montgomery. (Confirmed and co thought by Deebs as per phone discussion 2/1) =)

1. "Jacob" is sooooo Jack's Dad. Locke was in there (that was his eye) because he is one of the few who can hear him. ('member that's why Ben shot him?) I think Locke was trying to get advice from him on how to keep Jack on the island.

1a. Jack's Dad is "Jacob" and not dead because in the flash forward from the end of last season, Jack kept refferring to his Dad as if he were still alive. Which leads me to believe that the reason he was so distraught and popping pills was because of the fact his dad was not really dead, or maybe not even his dad at all? Hmmm...

1b. On the whole Locke tip... why did he say "You won't shoot me, not anymore than I was going to shoot...." and then he stopped. See point 1. Was he going to shoot Jack's dad aka "Jacob?"

2. "Jacob" can take the form of any sort of negative person... maybe it's different for anyone who hears him?

3. Oceanic Airlines is somehow tied to Dharma and the people that run it. This might explain the dude that visited Hurley in the hospital offering him an upgrade.

4. The Oceanic 6: Jack, Kate, Hurley, the person in the coffin... and 2 others. The coffin was really small though, remember?

5. Loving the whole faith vs. science themes, too. But we know that someone from both the faith side (Locke) and the science side (Jack) make it out. So... we won't know forever! We probably never will.

I know that hard core scientific Lost people have waaaaaay better theories than this.... help me out!

Okay, go!


Alex Hardy said...

i would just like to say that even though i haven't been on the LOST bandwagon before, i have dipped my toes into the island water.

i don't FULLY get all of it, but who does?
i actually caught the 1st epi. with chris.
we both were trying to figure out the Oceanic 6 too.

good stuff.
so yea.
just want to warn you that i will be leaving comments. even if they sound like i have no clue in hell what is REALLY happening.

Alex Hardy said...

& for the record.
Deebs, that banner is a-w-e-s-o-m-e.
poor charlie.

amber said...

On point 1b., I think that Locke said anymore than I was gonna shoot you. Remember when he had the gun pointed at him in the finale and was telling him to leave the phone alone, but he couldn't shoot him. So then Locke was saying anymore than I was gonna shoot you. Except that Jack would have shot him if not for the empty gun.

I'm starting to theorize (is that a word?) that maybe the people in the helicopter are Dharma. There is a screen cap for next week with one of them holding a pic of Ben. I'm thinking that these people are maybe kids of the old Dharma folks or a new class of them that came to the island (not to rescue Oceanic 815) but to get Ben for extinguishing the previous Dharma folks. Am I making any sense? Just my theory, I'm sure it will be proven wrong next week. LoL.

Heidi Joe said...

Oh, Amber. You are sooooo money.

I didn't even think of that. Of course it makes sense because the one thing Ben keeps saying over and over (between Rosseau's punches, that is.) is that the people coming are going to kill everyone.

But how would that explain Penny and her dad keeping an eye on the island, too?

Oh and welcome to crazy town, Alex. Jump on in!

Alison said...

Amber answered what I was thinking about Locke. Which just proves that I, too, am a genius.

Here are some questions I can't answer. Why was Penny tuning into that frequency when Charlie signed on? Was she expecting someone to contact her? And if so, does that mean that maybe that IS Penny's boat, and she was just faking for some unexplained and possibly naughty reason?

Also, was Mr. Creepy Abaddon really from Oceanic, and if so, was he trying to find out the location of the Island? Or was he really a representative of some other sinister organization?

Which leads me to this. Is Dharma even still in existance in the future? Because Ben and the Original Others wiped out most of the Dharma people. Which means that from that point on they were only working for their own interests, right?

Oh, and has anyone seen any of the Mobisodes? They are too completely awesome. Quick little snippets of greatness. Find them here:

ebh said...

Amber, I agree with you completely. I was thinking that the new others (helicopter people, dude who visited Hurley, etc) are from Dharma and want the ones responsible for what Ben did. If that makes sense. They want the original others, I guess. The guy Ben met - Richard, is that his name?

Yeah, I think Locke meant he wouldn't shoot Jack. I also thought when watching that it was Locke's eye, but looking at the screencaps, I'm not sure now. Could it be Charlie? Could the ones that "live" in the cabin be dead? Ghosts?

I think Penny was on that frequency only because of what Charlie had done. He opened the signal or whatever the technical term would be. Before he did that, the others were keeping it shut off so that no one could find them, I think.

Creepy Abbadon dude is from Dharma, I think...dh and I thought he was the Haitian from Heroes at first. LOL.

As for the Oceanic 6 - THAT is what kept me tossing and turning and unable to sleep! Hurley and Jack and Kate we know for sure... I think Sawyer is one because Kate made referance to getting back to "him" when she was with Jack - as if Jack knew "him." Dh thinks the one in the coffin is Ben, but I don't think he would be considered one of the Oceanic 6...I think it was perhaps Locke. I don't remember the size of the coffin at all. Is it possible to be Locke?

We don't know how far in the future the flash fowards are - that makes me crazy.

And why only 6 get off? Does that mean the rest are there still alive? Still LOST?

Yeah, I want to know the end too...NOW.

Oh, can I just say that Charlie looked HOT in this episode? I always thought he was a cutie, but when he was talking to Hurley...WOW.

Deanna G. said...

Wordddd! Dudes. I think Elissa was spot on the Sawyer thing... like Maybe, just maybe he got rescued too and now domesticates with Kate. I remember that whole, I gotta get back to "him".

And! And! I can't get it out fast enough... HOLY Cats! Amber, yeah... totally old dharma/new dharma people. That sorta asian looking guy -- from the helicopter in the video clip on the ground holding the gun-- kinda looks like the Dr. guy that explains the experiments in the old reel video clips, eh?! I'm thinking so. lemme do an analysis and post a pic in a new post thingy...