I laughed, I cried, I clenched my butt muscles from the stress. Then I peed my pants.
Let's discuss in 5 hours once Maui time DBird catches up! No spoilers, please!
I will say Holy Crap, Charlie.
But that's it.
P.S. The new banner rules... thanks Deebs!
HOLY CRAP! That was good.
Here's a pic of who was in the cabin!
And here's a close-up of the eye.
So stinking good. I was so scared we would be disappointed after the long wait and build-up, but no disappointments here. Except maybe it could have been 2 hours. Minus the recap.
I laughed and cried myself. Was it just me or is Ben kinda funny now that he's had the snot beat outta him. Off to check out the pics.
So freaky eye in the cabin? Was it Locke's eye?
Why are people saying that Jacob looks like Jack's dad?
I thought that it was Locke at first because he got out to Hurley so fast after seeing the eye. And it kinda sorta looked like his in slow motion. Not sure though. But what's up with the moving cabin? Was Hurley already starting to go insane or is the cabin doing it? More questions to ponder, my friends.
hey girls!! i'm so happy to see this place is active, it feel like forever since last season.
i watched the guy in the cabin on my slo-mo on the dvr, and he's skinny and in a suit & tie i think. so maybe that's why he looks like Jack's dad. i think it's Hurley's eye in the next frame, he was looking through the hole. although it looked similar to Locke's. so Hurley ends up off the island somehow with Jack even though he didn't go with his group. holy crap, my head is spinning =P
Hey girls, if you haven't already, take a look at this. If you scroll down a little you'll get a very clear shot of the man in the rocking chair. It is sooooo Jack's dad. I'm going to go check it out on DVR. But in the pics, it's definitely him. And you'll get a really good look at what Charlie had written on his hand when he breaks the glass in the police station too. I love this stuff. LoL.
Hello, the link might be helpful right?
yeah, i suck...i watched again and i think that is Locke's eye, not Hurleys? and the screencaps i saw at the other website def. looks like Jack's dad in the cabin. if this show was a book i would've been flipping back to read the ending by now, i want to know how it all ends!!
omg sorry i checked in so late -- we watched it last night (HI time) and omg, I did the same thing... laughed, cried, clenched ;) hahaha.
I didn't even think that Jacob was Jack's dad?? omg. And did you see that pic of Hurley's painting is the ice/igloo people.. you know, the ones that are at that station, maybe?
so excited for this season, holy crap. oh, and hurley yelling "I'm part of the oceanic 6!" so only six got rescued off? so, it's jack + kate (member the flash fwd where jack's telling her somethng like he just wants to go back?), hurley, *possibly the person in the coffin, and two more people? or 3?
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