Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Like Michael Jackson Sang...

Do you remember the time...

That's his dad!!!!! And... probably my only theory that was correct, lol.

Some highlights from the last episode that I can remember today...

  • Hurley tryna write Star Wars
  • Hurley connecting the dots with Miles and the Doc about what a coincidence it is that his son's name is Miles too
  • That they played some Captain and Tenille's Love Will Keep Us Together in the VDub!
  • Hurley mentions he and Miles should carpool so perhaps they can prevent some Global Warming
  • Hello again, Daniel Farraday!

Who's ready for tomorrow?!?!


Heidi Joe said...

Hurley + Miles = True Love Always.

The Global Warming thing totally got me.

I can't wait to see what Farraday says!

amber said...

Ok..so the Daniel Farraday part totally confused me. I wasn't sure where he had gone to begin with and then he shows up on the sub? What was that about? My brain isn't as sharp as it was perhaps in season 2...lol

Heidi Joe said...

Oh, PITS. It was a repeat tonight.
I'm actually kind of glad since our power was out.

Deanna G. said...

dannnngit, a recap. i planned my whole day around a new episode. sad, but true, lol. next week can't come soon enough.