I don't know why people are saying that Lost has lost it's luster... I still say it's the best show on TV. I love how so many of the early events that before we were like whaaaaa? Are being answered.
~What do you think about 1988 Rousseau.... if the baby in her belly is Alex, then where's Ben? How did he impregnate her? Where? When? Hmmmm?
~I loved how the French people on the beach were hearing the numbers, way back in 1988. Yess. I was thinking Jin would lead her to the tower and that's where she would record her message loop, but then time flashed and they were out of there.
~What is "the sickness"? I know they got to see where the smoke monster lived and all, but didn't she seem like she was the skittish one?
~You probably saw it on Lost Easter Eggs but the Ben van they are driving around says CANTON RAINIER on the side, which is scrambled "REINCARNATION" perhaps of Locke? Who knows.
~Babies that speak in subtitles are so cute.
~I loved Charlotte in her final moments with the "Turn it up! I love Geronimo Jackson!" reference!
Anyway... I'm scattered. Talk to me, mah sistahs.
You know what's funny? As soon as last night's episode was over, Alex turned to me and said "I don't know why people think Lost isn't as good as it used to be. I think it's better than ever, and it's still the best thing on TV." He was totally channeling HeidiJoe and he didn't even know it.
I think Ben just stole Danielle's baby from her. Didn't she say The Others came for the baby when there was black smoke in the sky?
How crazy was it to see where Smokie lives?! He needs to do a little spring cleaning though. I'm assuming it's the same temple that Ben told Alpert to take the people to? The last safe place on the island!
I want to know how Widmore knew where Eloise Hawking was, and if he knew where she was, then why didn't he just ask her for help getting back on the island?
We just watched it last night!
I had to pause mid-show and the G told me the same thing... Ben and Others stole baby Alex and raised her. I was like, Oh Right!
I wondered what exactly "the sickness" is too. Maybe it was that they were evil-ish? And that caused Rousseau to be paranoid-schizophrenishh?
So Eloise Hawkings IS Daniel's Mother! I flippppppppppppped out when Desmond mah brotha showed up. OY.
And I wonder if Charles Widmore and Eloise Hawkings had any kind of romantic connection of sorts? If that was a young her on the island. That wasn't quite confirmed, was it?
One of my coworkers was distraught abt the show at its current state and I was like, NO! It's bigger and better than ever!!!
I agree that this show is as good as ever.
I'm still so confused at how Jack's dad fits into the whole deal...Is he Jacob? And where in the world is Claire in the meantime?
I was wondering the same about Eloise and Charles...I'm thinking that they were romantically involved at some point. Maybe Penny and Daniel are brother and sister?
aC, we totally thought that too. holy, could you imagine if penny and daniel are indeed brother/sister. OMG. and does desmond go back with them? the 'scenes fr the next' got cut off for us, lol.
oh, and the part where charlotte told daniel it was him that told her as a young girl not to come back. was it the first episode of this season where he was there during the dharma initiative doing the drilling at the orchid... so i wonder when he'll start developing the memories of being there long ago. will the developments be like desmond experiences them?
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