Oh my gosh Oh my gosh OH MY GOSH oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh Oh my gosh oh my gosh.
I wish I could type what I really wanna say. But I don't wanna spoil it.
All I can say is oh my gosh. I didn't breathe for the last 20 minutes.
CATACLYSMIC totally showed UP tonight, you all everybody.
Let's debrief, post haste.
I wish I could type what I really wanna say. But I don't wanna spoil it.
All I can say is oh my gosh. I didn't breathe for the last 20 minutes.
CATACLYSMIC totally showed UP tonight, you all everybody.
Let's debrief, post haste.
Holy crap.
You know how the episode was called the man behind the curtain? And you know how in the Wizard of Oz the dude made himself seem to be all seeing and all knowing but he was really a guy behind a curtain? Is that what happened?
Or was it just some freaky stuff going on up in there?
Oh yeah, and http://losteastereggs.blogspot.com/
Check out the 11 frames of Jacob.
OMG x 700. what in the crap. i'd like to start off with, a little pee came out. hahaha. was that jacob or jesus? hahaa. and what happened to locke. haro. what the crap again. and now juliette is some kind of savior for letting them in on the 'turn the tape around' crap. and what abt richard having special secret island cream that he applies nightly so he doesn't get wrinkles, hahaa. does he have some sort of non-aging ability? holy crap. tons!
#1. Seriously why didn't that guy age at all. I am so puzzled by that.
#2. Jury's still out for me on wether or not Juliette's a rat fink, and wether or not Jack's really "with" her.
#3. LOCKE? There's no way. He can't die. They didn't show him actually dying, right?
#4. Jacob. The photo of whatever it was in the chair looks like Jesus and the guy from that Cher movie MASK. Either way, I didn't breathe and I had my butt clenched during that whole scene.
#5. What the heck was that powder/ sand that Ben wouldn't let Locke step on but he picked it up and sniffed it?
#6. I friggin' love this show.
Yes, SHOCKING doesn't even begin to describe last night's events. I CANNOT believe that he shot Locke. I totally did not see that coming at all. And I was wondering what was up with Richard not aging as well.
I was completely thinking that Ben was insane talking to an empty chair, but ohmyword. When he said help me. I got chills. And they're multiplying and I'm losing control. I don't wanna wait until next week.
I soooooo still wanna hate Juliet. There's just no telling what's going on with her and Jack! I'm thinking there's gonna be lots revealed on the season finale about it. THere better be anyway. ;)
And Heids, I think that that powder stuff was maybe volcanic ash? That's what Eric thought anyways.
I don't think that they actually showed him dying. I don't think they would kill off Locke would they? Everyone else that has died was so insignificant. I'm thinking we haven't seen the last of him. Hoping that we haven't anyway.
"We're the good guys Michael". Yeah right Ben. I wish they would have killed him when they had the chance in the hatch.
Ok, so longest comment ever. So much though. I still can't make sense of it in my head. I'm over to check out the pics of Jacob.
i just had another thought. it could totally be irrelevant, and maybe locke's hand healed on it's own, but he has healing powers right, so a "Shot to the hearttttt" hahaha (sing it with me now) would be like nothing? maybe? could be?
dude. that site that shows jacobjesus in the frames is unreal. i didn't even see a glimpse, not a tenth of all that. crazy talk.
ben's been into white rabbits since he was a wee wittle guy. i love how the show just totally brings back sht unexpectedly. like whoa.
i dont wanna like juliette either. im thinking later down the line, the writers will make her convert over to camp 815 and jack will impregnate her with his super swimmers. bwahhahaha. and the very last lost episode ever, their kid will be playing on the beach with her while jack goes and dives along the reef to fetch her a pearl. ohwaitaminute, i just had a brooke shields moment.
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