Thursday, May 24, 2007
1. CHARLIE! I'm gonna miss you, brotha. So sad, yet heroic the way he died. I'm gonna miss him so. I loved the way he was acting with the 2 chicks in the hatch. Especially when he started singing. And how crazy is it that it was a musical code and he was the one to go down? Definitely his destiny.
2. The flash forwards. Was he simply telling people to ask his dad about things because he was drunk/high all the time? I kinda didn't get that part. I'm assuming that's what it was when he told the doctor to go get his dad and see who was more drunk. But then at the pharmacy, he told her Christian was out of town which would lead one to believe that he did indeed know that his father was dead.
3. Who died? And who was waiting for Kate at home? My guess is Locke is the one who died. Just because Kate wouldn't feel the need to go to his funeral. But the fact that it made Jack wanna jump off the bridge? That I'm not sure of. Eric thinks it's Sawyer waiting for her. And I kinda agree. Or maybe a child? Maybe she does get pregnant on the island. Who knows? Thoughts?
Click here for the newspaper article.
4. Hurley cracked me up! First driving the happy van and rescuing everyone and then on the walkie "come in others". LoL. Hilarious.
5. And Jin breaking the man's neck with his legs? Um, hello!
6. My Jack came back. Awww. I totally liked him again last night. Well not so much the nasty overgrown drug addict Jack. But the island take charge and beat the snot outta Ben, Jack. But um, hello. What was with that kiss?
7. Our Lost peeps are taking over baby! LoL. They are pretty much dismantling the others! Taking Ben and getting rid of all the ones that came to the beach. I like.
8. Penelope breaking in once Charlie turned off the signal. Huh? I was so wanting her to see Desmond. But now at least she knows he's alive and well. Or "brilliant" as Charlie said. Sigh, I miss Charlie already. It's gonna be so sad once Claire finds out. :(
So that's about all my brain will allow right now. Add, comment, whatever. I cannot wait to hear everyone's thoughts.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Let's Get This Party Started...
Thursday, May 17, 2007
They're Playing Our Song...
Oh my. What an episode. How crazy Charlie swimming down to the bottom. But Desmond saw him drown. Not get killed by crazy chicks with guns. So not sure what's gonna happen there. Except looks like he may get a little tortured next week. :( How sweet was he to Claire and Aaron before leaving? And #1 on the greatest hits list: The night I met you. Sigh. And speaking of sighs, did Jack actually tell Kate that he loved her in the preview for next week? Can't wait to see what that's about.
I know that this week was basically the build up for the 2 HOUR FINALE (woohoo), but I still thought it was a great one. So so excited for next week. I've read that on the message board, someone basically leaked out the entire finale. I'm more than a little tempted to read it. I've done it once before this season. Let me tell you watching when you know what's gonna happen sucks. I'm so weak. Eric said he'd be mad if I read it and then after last night's epi, he's like "wanna go read it?" LoL. We resisted. It's so dang tempting though. Can't wait to hear your thoughts. Only 6 days til the finale. ;)
Sunday, May 13, 2007
A fun Lost site...
Wednesday, May 9, 2007

I wish I could type what I really wanna say. But I don't wanna spoil it.
All I can say is oh my gosh. I didn't breathe for the last 20 minutes.
CATACLYSMIC totally showed UP tonight, you all everybody.
Let's debrief, post haste.
Thursday, May 3, 2007

So after last night's episode, I was pretty much speechless. What can one say? I was shocked, confused, and several other emotions. I could be just a little too invested in this show. What do you guys think? ;) The fact that Sawyer killed Locke's dad? Crazy. So many things about this episode didn't make sense to me. I don't even know where to start.
So I'm thinking for one, that Jack is definitely acting when it comes to Juliet. I mean if his character has really been reduced to the person he's become, well that's just crazy. I read that the finale is a Jack-centric episode, so there's gotta be more to come with this guy huh? Cuz he's really been ticking me off. "Whatever you have to say to me, you can say in front of her". Gag me with a Dharma spoon.
I don't even know what to write about the Sawyer/Locke/Daddio/Ben deal. So very shocking. It was to the point that I was hollering at Sawyer to just kill him already. He was making me crazy. Now I cannot wait to see what goes down next week with the Juliet taped confession deal. AAAAHHHH! So many questions peeps.