Can I get a woot woot from the girlahs? Lost is finally back. For one week at least. Finally a week where I laid in bed and had to think for a little while. Finally some good stuff.

That Sayid is one smart fellow. Knowing the guy wasn't alone because of the saddle on the horse? Genius, he is. I just can't ever understand why the guy would shoot him and then stitch him up? Why not leave him for dead if he is infact a "hostile"? Don't get that part. And Locke blowing up the hatch. I wonder what consequences they never saw coming? Seems like the hatch didn't really work anyway as far as communication with the outside world is concerned.
How about those previews for next week? When Locke throws the guy past the alarm and he seems to get shocked? Crazy! Can't wait to hear your thoughts about it all. ;)
Hi, gang! Thanks for the invite, H.
I loved it!!! I looo-ooo-ooo-ved it. *sigh of relief* Here's what I found on thefuselage.com. I think it pretty much sums up what I got out of it too.
"Finally, some answers!
1. We learned who the patch guy was. One of the Others who controls communications.
2. We learned how the Other's have communication with the outside world.
3. We learned that after Desmond turned the key, communications have been down.
4. We learned where the food drops have been coming from.
5. We learned that the flame has wires connecting to every other hatch on the island.
6. We learned the Other's predate Darhma.
7. We learned there was a war/purge and Dharma was killed off.
8. We learned where the cable that Sayid and Hurley found in season 1 lead to. A homing beacon for the sub the Other's have.
9. We now have a map off all the hatches and the barracks.
10. We learned where the Other's villiage is.
11. We learned that Dharma before setting up shop knew about the Other's and put measures into place in case they tried to take over the communications hatch. Setting up C4 all under the flame and puttting a failsafe in place to blow up the hatch if it was being overrun by the Other's.
12. From the previews we learned the Others have a system that either keeps people away from the barracks or alarms them when someone crosses over a certin part of the island.
13. We learned that the Other's would rather die than reveal their secrets. Going so far as to kill one of there own and trying to commit suicide."
See that's why I love my pal Alison. She rocks. Add her to the blog, yo.
I was soooooo glad that this week's was so much more exciting, and I am very glad that we got some answers. I was wondering where the Dharma and the Others were going to meet along the plot line, if at all.
So can we go back to Danielle Rousseau? We kind of know she's that girl's mom... and maybe this has been answered already, but is she a Dharma or is she an other? I'm trying to relive back to Season 1 and I can't remember any details. When you add in the factor that Ben is (supposedly) her father, it's kind of kooky.
Has that been answered already?
P.S. Sawyer's hot.
I think Ben is only Alex's adopted father. The Others seem to have fertility issues, and we know that they have no problem stealing kids.
Didn't Danielle say she was part of a scientific expedition that got sidetracked when they picked up a transmission of the numbers? It's been so long now, I can't remember exactly. I just find it hard to believe that she's telling the whole truth. How do you live 16 years on an island and NOT explore or come across anyone else? Pish.
Now, I do have to say. I miss me some Jack. Sayid = Pretty Darn Cute. But he's still no Jack.
Sigh. I agree. I miss Jack too.
Oh my COWS and horses on the farm! Last night was insane (well, I had to DVR it).
Because seriously. I would've soooo used a dolly and stole the refridge... or make the horse pull it back to camp. How else would you keep the pepsi ice cold? Yah. Oh, and I would've stole me some of those Dharma suits too. Those were cool.
But hello Alison, Oh Great Worthy Knowledgeable one. Hahah. Loved the answers... I was reading them nodding and like, oh yes, yes.. yes! Send me your email and you are in sister... a regular contributor! :)
Yeah, Ben is so Alex's fake dad. He's so fake. Fake Henry. Fake Dad. Eww.
Talk to me abt Sayid and the lady. That's not his Nadia but did they ever do flashbacks of him seeing her? Was she one of the prisoners that they showed in the cell (and only her eyes weren't covered?) Or did I jsut make that up?
Ohhh man, it's getting rad.
I AM brilliant, am'nt I? I can totally quote like nobody's business. hee!
They did a Sayid flashback where he was torturing people, right? But I don't remember them showing her. All I really remember about that episode was Nadia.
And how stinking crazy was it that the cat was named Nadia?! Or was it really a cat? Was it The Smoke Monster? ooooooooooo.
I'm off - to figure out how to email you, d!
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