Biggest question of the night for me. What is up with this? Was anyone else disturbed by seeing Jack all happy go lucky playing football with Tom? I just hope that he is faking to get into their good graces to infiltrate the group. I cannot imagine that he would have turned and become buddy buddy with them that quickly.
And Claire and Jack are siblings. Um, hello. I never saw that one coming. Until his dad was in the room with her mom of course. Then it was kind of obvious.
So while perusing the message boards yesterday, I came upon a theory that I kind of like that makes good sense. They seem to think that Jack's dad is the "important one" that Patchy was talking about. Both of his children seem to be of great importance to the others. Claire was kidnapped and now Jack is living with them. They also brought up a good point about Daddio being dead, but then his casket was empty and I don't think they ever found the body, right? Perhaps Jackie boy wasn't hallucinating when he was seeing pops on the island. I was thinking that maybe everyone is connected to Jack's dad in some way. We've already seen how Sawyer, Ana Lucia, Claire and Jack are. Maybe they all have been in some way. Who knows? Just another theory. Probably not true, but makes good sense anyway.
And who else finds Locke to be acting very strangely. It seems like he continually sabatoges (sp?) the Losties plans. Kind of strange huh? And I totally find Danielle to be strange now as well. Like Kate being suspicious of her not asking about her daughter. I totally would've done the same thing. But she has been living alone on an island for 16 years, so who knows.
Can't wait to hear your opinions on it.
I'm so glad that this show is finally getting better...
Locke... I am thinking we will get more answers next episode. They've been holding something back about him ever since we found out he could walk!
I almost peed my pants when they showed Jack at the end. I still don't know what to think about that.
And I think that Claire might die instead of Charlie. I don't know why... something in Desmond's psychic friends network will go awry or something.
Plus, can someone explain how Claire not only has bangs and highlights, but also has skinny jeans and has found some sort of teeth bleaching kit? Holy crap!
Some Thoughts, by Alison
A. Locke is straight up psycho. Something is definitely fishy there. I've always thought that his wheelchair issues were psychosomatic, but I guess we'll find out!
2. Jack had to identify his dad's body, didn't he? Am I trippin' or wasn't that in one of his flashbacks? Plus, his dad was an alcholic, and I don't think that would exactly put him in a situation to form some kind of Utopian Society. Remember when Tom/Boatman said "someone much greater than me once said" yada yada? He was quoting Alvar Hanso of the Hanso Foundation. I still think that has something to do with it all.
III. Jack made a deal to save Juliet's life, and basically came to some sort of truce with The Others. I think he's probably just biding his time and playing along with The Others until he can make a break for it or something.
Some Questions to Ponder by Me
a. What did Patchy say to Kate!!! GAH. It sounded like "Some of us are flu" but somehow I don't think so.
ii. Did Danielle interrupt Patchy on purpose? I think she's insane in the membrane, but maybe something else is going on there.
Anyways, thanks for letting me get all that out. I hope someone understands it.
I been sick this weekend. Bleh. But, halo. Jack + Claire = Brothersister. Whoa whoa. I know! That trips me out. And I'm sooooooo with the Bo on the skinny jeans. They're all looking quite stylish. All pressed and sht. Sun too!
Locke is being a freako. I mean, we all know that he wants to stay on the island foreverandever, but still. Hmmm.
I think Jack did have to i.d. his dad's body? Now I can't quite remember if I'm making up my own thoughts, hahaha. But THAT was one gooooooooood theory. I was like, whoa.......
T-minus two days :)
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