Thursday, January 29, 2009


**I adore the fact that Penny and Desmond named their son Charlie....

**Charles Whitmore is the young other on the island!?!?!?!?!?

**I wish Richard Alpert would pass on his tips on aging. For real...

**Daniel Faraday really has me stumped...

**Not sure if Desmond going to see papa in law was the smartest thing ever...

**I'm still confused about the whole we're in the future, now we're in the past, now we're in the future deal going on...

I was really tired and not feeling so great last night, so I don't think my mind was in proper Lost watching and information sorting mode. It was really good though. I may hafta watch again...


Alison said...

I seriously almost started bawling when Desmond said his son's name. I don't know why, but I never would have guessed it.

How crazy was Miles walking over that grave and like scanning it or whatever?

And who does Ellie look like to Daniel? (Did anyone else remember that the rat he was testing on in Oxford was named Eloise or am I just a huge dork?)

Deanna G. said...

The whole Charlie thing got me too. I had a flashback of Charlie locking the door and putting his hand to the window thing. OMG. This show. Sigh.

OK are you ready for this? I'm not sure if I missed this or if it was even mentioned but Ms. Hawking's first name is ELOISE. AHHHHH. So she was there back in the day too, thanks to Lostpedia. AHHHHHH. I'm still freaking out a tad. Just a little.

So is she Daniel's mom too? Because now we know that ellie and young charles widmore was on the island. OMG, I'm still freaking out a little over widmore being on the island like that.

And yes, Alison, I thought it was trippy how Miles knew abt the grave people and stuff.

Alison said...

Deanna, where did you see that about Mrs. Hawking's name?! That's freaky. I looked yesterday and missed that.

amber said...

So the girl with the curly hair and the gun is Daniel's mom?? Is that right? How crazy!!

Deanna G. said...

i saw ms. hawking's name as eloise in lostpedia, in the character descriptions. i hope they start answering these questions soon. oy.