Thursday, May 24, 2007


So I'm gonna start, cuz I cannot freaking wait anymore! It's Thursday so I'm assuming everyone's had a chance to watch?? OHMYWORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm gonna number my points, because if not, this is likely to be a jumbled up, incoherent post.

1. CHARLIE! I'm gonna miss you, brotha. So sad, yet heroic the way he died. I'm gonna miss him so. I loved the way he was acting with the 2 chicks in the hatch. Especially when he started singing. And how crazy is it that it was a musical code and he was the one to go down? Definitely his destiny.

2. The flash forwards. Was he simply telling people to ask his dad about things because he was drunk/high all the time? I kinda didn't get that part. I'm assuming that's what it was when he told the doctor to go get his dad and see who was more drunk. But then at the pharmacy, he told her Christian was out of town which would lead one to believe that he did indeed know that his father was dead.

3. Who died? And who was waiting for Kate at home? My guess is Locke is the one who died. Just because Kate wouldn't feel the need to go to his funeral. But the fact that it made Jack wanna jump off the bridge? That I'm not sure of. Eric thinks it's Sawyer waiting for her. And I kinda agree. Or maybe a child? Maybe she does get pregnant on the island. Who knows? Thoughts?
Click here for the newspaper article.

4. Hurley cracked me up! First driving the happy van and rescuing everyone and then on the walkie "come in others". LoL. Hilarious.

5. And Jin breaking the man's neck with his legs? Um, hello!

6. My Jack came back. Awww. I totally liked him again last night. Well not so much the nasty overgrown drug addict Jack. But the island take charge and beat the snot outta Ben, Jack. But um, hello. What was with that kiss?

7. Our Lost peeps are taking over baby! LoL. They are pretty much dismantling the others! Taking Ben and getting rid of all the ones that came to the beach. I like.

8. Penelope breaking in once Charlie turned off the signal. Huh? I was so wanting her to see Desmond. But now at least she knows he's alive and well. Or "brilliant" as Charlie said. Sigh, I miss Charlie already. It's gonna be so sad once Claire finds out. :(

So that's about all my brain will allow right now. Add, comment, whatever. I cannot wait to hear everyone's thoughts.


Deanna G. said...

I been thinking abt this ALL day. Didn't have time to post til now.

I HEAR YOU. The G said the same thing abt Kate... perhaps Sawyer was waiting at home for her? Dude, those flash forwards are crazy. We were like, WHOAAAAAA, when all he wanted to do was "Go Back." Whoa. We didn't know the exact sequencing, bc there was the new chief of surgery, but still were shocked. I don't think a kid was waiting for her bc she said something like, he's going to wonder why I'm gone so long?

I cried, like almost the ugly cry abt Charlie. I was hoping when Des gave him that look before he turned around to get the scuba tanks that things might change, but no, notsomuch. So sad :( I miss him too. I can't belee it. And it was destiny bc no one else would've bin able to figure out The Beach Boys like him :) AND he went further heroic by writing that Naomi msg on his hand. Geesh.

So is Jack's dad dead? Huh? I loved his jeep mobile and his layered jeans jacket t-shirt cargo pants look :) Jack was totally back last night. That Juliet kiss was off. Then he tells Kate so sweetly, "Because I love you."

And Locke ripped sht up. Dude, Walt looked all wonky, eh? Like OLDDDDD!

I cried when Penny knew Desmond was alive too. And Russou finding Alex too. Yeah. Talk to me.

Heidi Joe said...

#1. I love that Walt is now 27. And that he came back to give the juju to Locke.

#2. Tears welled up a little when Hurley drove the happy bus down to the beach. All that stuff about him wanting to fix the car and his dad and all from the happy bus episode makes sense now.

#3. Full On Ugly Cry when Charlie died. Mister says, "OH NUTS, MRS.!!" He was all emotional too, don't tell. It's going to be so sad when Claire finds out. I loved that he was still singing You All Everybody. Touched my hearrrt.

#4. I'm not sure about why he kept saying "ask my dad." I need to go back and watch the flash backs. Flash forwards that is. I was so excited at the end though. Oh yeah. Since there's only three seasons left, it's going to be fun because we have the end, so to speak, and the beginning. So connecting that is going to be cool.

#5. My first thought on who Kate had to get back to was Ben? Maybe it's JACOB OOOOOOH! I thought it might be Ben though... he would be the only one that would want to monitor her whereabouts.

#6. I loved Rousseau in this episode, too. I loved how she reconnected with Alex, and I loved how she really just wanted to stay on the island. A little foreshadowing, no? I also loved the looks of utter disgust toward Ben whenever she and Ben were in the same shot. SO dope.

#7. Who died? I have no idea? I think "Who Died" is the new "What's in that hatch??"

Ah man... I'm sure I will think of more... talk soon!

Jill H said...

oh my gosh, i actually felt smart last night when i figured out it was the future not the past! that's seriously NEVER happened while i'm watching a show, but something was so off about Jack. guess it'd be the drugs/booze, no?

i'm thinking his dad was really dead, the other doctor & nurse looked at him all strange when he said go call my dad down here and you can fire me if i'm more loaded than him.

and i just don't know about who would've been in the casket, who Jack would've been so upset about dying...i can't see him getting that upset about Locke or Ben. unless that person was his way BACK to the island??? then it could've been Locke or Ben since they both have their strong connection with the island. and he was one obsessed guy, did you see him in his house with all those maps trying to figure out where it was?

Hurley driving the van over the Other guy was the best part of the show for me. poor guy just wanted to help and then he took charge all by himself. love Hurley. and poor Charlie :( i was totally yelling at him to open the door back up and swim out. that part when baby Aaron started crying as Charlie died, ugh!! so sad.

ok girls, thanks for letting me share my thoughts :) i wish i would've joined in more this spring but i kinda forgot and then it would get to be a week later when i'd remember :P it's gonna be a loooooooong wait til January!!

amber said...

AHHH! I totally forgot about Aaron starting to cry as Charlie died. That was so stinking sad.

Hurley, I totally laughed out loud. "Attention others, come in others." Hehe. Love Hurley.

Ok so I watched the Charlie dying part back today and cried again. It's like losing a friend. For real. :( Cannot wait until Jan!

Deanna G. said...

It's totally like losing a friend :) good one Amber. And to think, we named our blog after Charlie's song. Yeah. Destiny!

I forgot that Me and the G totally cracked up when Jack was telling Kate abt The Golden Pass on Oceanic flights, bwahahahaha and he hops on every Friday... whereevahhhhh, has a drink, then gets back on. Bwhahahaahha.

I like Jill's thoughts on who being dead being Locke or Ben... maybe Ben bc he and Jack have reconciled since then and are all buddybuddy and is the only one who knows how to get him back. I like that.

January? For rill? I didn't know it was that long. Rats.

Jill H said...

ok i watched some parts again last night. and the coffin looked SMALL to me...whatcha think? Walt popped in my head. b/c he too had a strong connection to the island. and then he was there or appeared to be there to Locke...just a random thought. didn't know if you girls thought that coffin looked small or not. it's gonna drive me crazy til Jan.

amber said...

Hey Jill,
I did think the coffin looked kinda small. I rewatched yesterday after a few people on the message boards were saying that it didn't look like an adult sized coffin. Not sure what to think about it though.

Heidi Joe said...

I just thought of something. I remember when I was watching the flash backs I noticed that Jack had a new Motorola Razr phone.

Looks like the people at Lost Easter Eggs thought of that, too. I remember thinking HEY! That's a new phone, they should have dug up an old Zack Morris brick phone!

So funny...

amber said...

The phone was one of the reasons I figured it was a flashforward and not flashback. I told Eric, he's got a razor, it can't be a flashback. lol.
I didn't think that they would make a mistake like that if it was a flashback. They know how we notice every little detail. ;)

Heidi Joe said...

I also noticed that there might be something with the letters on the funeral home, too... on Lost Easter Eggs it says its an anagram for Flash Forward! They think of everything!

Anonymous said...

Heidi, Jack's phone is a KRazr just like mine! Teehee!

Okay, I don't know if anyone is still checking things out, but we had to watch the finale again, because I couldn't take it all in.

Oh, and I found this awesome re-cap:

Check it out, it's hysterical!