Thursday, April 12, 2007

I knew it...

I knew it, I knew it, I knew it.

I so knew that blondie was working with them. AAAAHHHH! This show, really, there are no words. So Ben said see you in a week. What in the world are they gonna do? Cannot wait until next week.

And Jack's really starting to aggrivate me with his whole "I trust her, do you trust me?" Um yeah Jack, we trust you but not necessarily one of the others. I mean they did kidnap Walt and the other kids, kidnap Claire, hang Charlie from a tree, shoot their own people. But yeah, we'll trust her, because you do. And obviously you're thinking with your head. Sayid isn't crazy. He's never been wrong before about being suspicious of them (Ben, Mikhail). He knows what's up.

So, what are your thoughts, opinions. I cannot believe there are only 5 shows left. I have to admit, back in February it sucked to have to go a month without it. But I'm loving the new episodes every week. So I guess it was totally worth it. But only five left? :(


Deanna G. said...

I'm with you I'm with you I'm with you :) hahah. G was like, well... maybe... and I was like, NO! She's evil. Then I'll admit, I got a little misty abt her whole sister situation and the baby's name being Julian and all that business, but still, I'm with you.

And Jack rilly pissed me off last night too. Like didn't Jules mention to Jack that she cuffed herself to Kate and Jack didn't even flinch. Cmon. I woulda been like, whaaa?? And Locke... where did he go? Yeah. And they planted something in Claire... when?

I didn't watch last week's so last night, I timed it for two in a row. It was awesome.

See you in a week, ahhhhh.

Jamie Ko said...

okay ladies...guess what I did last night.

I watch Lost.

woah huh?

BUHHHHTTTTTT, I only watched the last 10 or 15 minutes of it, and granted I was pretty lost. Because it looked to me like they were in surburbia but they kept saying stuff like "here on the island" and then there was a plane going down over their heads. So I didn't get it.

BUHHHHHTTTT, I did recognize that blond lady from someone's Lost birthday page for Amber.

so all I know (or don't know) is that some lady is sick, with cancer maybe? and that blond girl give her an injection of something and Jack (the Matt in real life guy) says she's on her own if the sick lady dies.'s that for following along?

Anonymous said...

So Juliet is more concerned about herself getting off the island than about any other person. Nice.

Jack totally thinks with his pants. Nice.

Claire was implanted with a remote control do-hickey. Could Jack, Kate, and Sawyer also have been implanted when they were abducted? Nice.

Sayid knows all. Nice.

Ben will see Juliet in a week, but that doesn't mean that her mission will be done then. Nice.

koko, you totally need to rent the 1st season! I promise you it will be worth it!

Heidi Joe said...

Jamie... go rent the first season. You can zip right through it! And you'll be singin' Yooo Awllll Every-bahday!

I think that Alison brought up a GOOD point that I didn't even think of. Sun's baby... totally not Jin's. Because you can't conceive on the island. BRILLIANT!

I wanted to kick Jack's butt last night. I was so irritated with him, all trynna protect Juliette. Psh. Whatever. She's evil, most definitely.

I agree with Amber... when in doubt, go with Sayid. I'd like to see him mess with Jules, for real.

Deebs... they planted that thing in Claire when they kidnapped her. Remember her flashback story about the baby?

Anonymous said...

Well, Heidi, the only way they can REALLY know is to get Maury Povitch up on that island to do some Baby Daddy testing.

Deanna G. said...

alison, bahahahahha... maury! maury! maury! hahah.

i wasn't sure if ben was referencing planting that thing in claire when they took her or more recently, youknow? so yeah yeah, i see.

jaims, you can totally bang out season one in like four days. granted, you will be tired everyday you go to work because you tried to stop yourself at two episodes and ended up watching like 6. hahah.

amber said...

Ok. So I feel the need to do a Favorite Sawyer Line of the Night. The guy cracks me up. Last night's line?

"You two arguing over who's your favorite other?" ohmyword. So funny.