Learned Mikhail resurrected himself from the dead and is still a liar...
"After Mikhail and Desmond treat Naomi's wound, she says "Eu não estou só" in Portuguese. Mikhail claims this means "Thank you" but it actually means "I am not alone"." - taken from Wikipedia's Trivia thing.Learned that someone should throw Juliette off a cliff. Ohwaitaminute. We already knew that one. Sorry.
Oh, of course... and that they found the plane of O815... no survivors. Hmmm. Talk to me...
Or is it Jin's baby? I've read a really good theory that it might have actually been conceived by the other guy and Juliet's gonna lie about it to say "I saved her, let me go home now". Things that make you go hmmmm.
And Patchy lying. To be expected, but what is up with him??
I've also read on the message boards about a time travel thing that is the reason she says all the people on flight 815 are dead. I was thinking it was just Ben who had Mikhail tell the "outside world" that there were no survivors. What are your thoughts on that one?
It was just ok. Next week looks interesting. Is Locke working with them or what?? He's gonna try to get Sawyer to kill Daddio, wonder if he's really gonna do it. My vote is no.
maybe me and you are the only ones that watch lost amber, bwahaha. i'mmmmmmmmmm just kidding :) heh.
i came here because tonight is our night :)
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