I knew it, I knew it, I knew it.
I so knew that blondie was working with them. AAAAHHHH! This show, really, there are no words. So Ben said see you in a week. What in the world are they gonna do? Cannot wait until next week.
And Jack's really starting to aggrivate me with his whole "I trust her, do you trust me?" Um yeah Jack, we trust you but not necessarily one of the others. I mean they did kidnap Walt and the other kids, kidnap Claire, hang Charlie from a tree, shoot their own people. But yeah, we'll trust her, because you do. And obviously you're thinking with your head. Sayid isn't crazy. He's never been wrong before about being suspicious of them (Ben, Mikhail). He knows what's up.
So, what are your thoughts, opinions. I cannot believe there are only 5 shows left. I have to admit, back in February it sucked to have to go a month without it. But I'm loving the new episodes every week. So I guess it was totally worth it. But only five left? :(