Does he see the future? Or is he reliving the past? We know he keeps getting knocked in the head. So last night's flashback... was it him reliving it while he was unconscious? (Hence the flashes of the island, the ticker, etc.) Or is it that he can really see the future... like when he saves Charlie? Could it be a little of both?
The flashback wasn't really a flashback, it was what was happening in his brain when the hatch exploded... he woke up in his apartment, covered in red paint, the microwave beeping like the computer in the hatch, the interview with Penny's dad with the polar bear painting and the boat in his office... even the delivery guy who said delivery for 815which is the Oceanic flight number, etc. etc. etc. Even the photo was taken in front of a marina scene... weird. Also, what was the military connection? He told Penny's dad he didn't have any military experience, but then we see him walking by a military recruiting center and thinking about it. Was he in the military before, but maybe it just hadn't happened yet?
Questions, Questions. Clear me up or run with it...
Dudesses.. The course correcting part is stellar. I love that term. When old lady first said it, I secretly hoped they'd use that term again. I'ma a weirdo.
Anyway, I think it's time travel (like Desmond was saying to the Physicist dudeman). He was given the opportunity to go back in time to see if he would course correct his own situation, but he ended up playing it the same. THEN, he begs to be given one more chance. Well, he was on the island for three years and you'da think he would've played it out differently when he did go back to real life. But no. So is the island gonna give him another? I think so. Why? Read on.
Bo, I think the military connection was that (during one of his episodes of time travel, if we decide so to call it that) before he got to the island, he served in the Royal Scots and was dishonorably discharged (ohh, that's how he went to prison)
Reference... Click here:
But then, when he has the interview with Pen's dad, he answers No (to the quest abt serving in the military). SO... this means that this "flashback" or timetravel episode happened Before the Actual Actual event happened which brought him to the island, which means THERE WILL BE ANOTHER timetravel episode. There has to be. One that he did serve in the military and how he ended up in prison which cycles back to him being able to tell the prison story which cycles back to him telling his original hatchmate. Does that make any sense? I think it might make sense in my head? Hmmpfh. Or do you think I'm totally off the basket.
Girls, I just don't know about this one. Maybe I was coming down with something from the kids. I was so tired and spacy. I couldn't concentrate last night and now I'm extremely confused. I did think that the course correcting part was extremely cool. I don't want Charlie to die. Hopefully Desmond will follow him like a hawk. LoL. And another thing from the boards that I read was Charlie was on the street corner singing "maybe, your gonna be the one who saves me" when Desmond walked up. Pretty crazy huh? And cool song too. ;)
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