So what's the deal? I'm kind of confused.
Does he see the future? Or is he reliving the past? We know he keeps getting knocked in the head. So last night's flashback... was it him reliving it while he was unconscious? (Hence the flashes of the island, the ticker, etc.) Or is it that he can really see the future... like when he saves Charlie? Could it be a little of both?
The flashback wasn't really a flashback, it was what was happening in his brain when the hatch exploded... he woke up in his apartment, covered in red paint, the microwave beeping like the computer in the hatch, the interview with Penny's dad with the polar bear painting and the boat in his office... even the delivery guy who said delivery for 815which is the Oceanic flight number, etc. etc. etc. Even the photo was taken in front of a marina scene... weird. Also, what was the military connection? He told Penny's dad he didn't have any military experience, but then we see him walking by a military recruiting center and thinking about it. Was he in the military before, but maybe it just hadn't happened yet?
Questions, Questions. Clear me up or run with it...